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Ik kan alleen fouten verhelpen wanneer die fout bij mij bekend is daarom is het belangrijk dat u fouten en crashes bij mij meldt (per e-mail of door te posten op dit forum).
Wijzigingen in build 108
Verschenen 2016-12-23.
- Change: Make all parts respect unicode multibyte characters. You can now use unicode filenames, quick texts and autoreplacements. The interface should now also be translatable in all languages.
- Fix: Increase the size of certain text strings in the Options dialog because some strings were cut off in certain languages.
- FIx: Don't remove locale folders when uninstalling if they are not empty. Which might be because of a translator working on a translation.
- Fix: Uninstaller forgot to remove the Norwegian locale file and folder. ... ETA2.5.exe