I have tested Transcript on Windows 8 and I can report that Transcript works without problems.
Transcript can now also be followed on Facebook, making it easier to stay up to date. Please like and spread the word if you want

I can only fix things when I know there is a problem so please send bug reports and crashes to me (either by e-mail or on this forum).
Changes in build 95
Released 2013-02-24.
- Feature: Added the ability to use Ctrl+Shift scrollwheel on images to change its brightness.
- Feature: Brightness combobox now also accepts user defined values.
- Removed the plugins interface and added the one useful plugin showing an extra image window to the main program (Menu View, extra image window). For now there is no replacement for showing exif information since I feel it is of minor use in Transcript and there are programs available that are better suited for that task.
- Removed old style zoom mouse cursor option since hardly anyone used it and using Ctrl+scrollwheel for zooming is a good alternative.
- Checked Windows 8 compatibility: no problems found.
- Change: Remember text zoom option is now True by default.
- Change: Set default AutoSave interval to 15 minutes (but AutoSave has to be turned on first, it is off by default).
- Change: Remember Picture Settings now set to True by default.
- Change: Move on Enter setting now set to True by default.
- Bugfix: Don't turn cursor into hourglass when moving image and sharpen or autocontrast is on.
- Bugfix: HelpFilename should be loaded/saved without path.
- Bugfix: Only make AutoReplace active when we have a valid database file.
- Bugfix: don't delete unused items younger than the week limit because they have date last used set to 0.
Download beta:
http://www.jacobboerema.nl/Downloads/In ... ETA2.4.exe
http://www.jacobboerema.nl/Downloads/TranscriptBeta.zip (only contains the executable no other files!)