I would appreciate it if users could test if the manual update check works. To do that download and install this beta version, then start Transcript and do a manual check for update. A manual check for updates can be done by going to menu Help, check for updates...
If this check does not say that there is no newer version but instead has an error notice then please tell me.

Transcript can now also be followed on Facebook, making it easier to stay up to date. Please like and spread the word if you want

I can only fix things when I know there is a problem so please send bug reports and crashes to me (either by e-mail or on this forum).
Changes in build 113
Released 2018-07-06
- Add: An update checker to check if there are updates for Transcript. This can be done either automatically once every 30 days or manually. You will still have to download and install Transcript yourself from the download link. The first time you start Transcript you will be asked whether you want automatic update checking to be turned on.
- Add: Update checker settings to the general tab of our Options dialog. Here you can turn automatic checking on or off and you can select whether you only want an update notice for stable versions or also for beta versions.
- Fix: Make sure the contents of our Image and Editor windows get shown correctly at startup.
- Change: Updated Dutch translation.
http://www.jacobboerema.nl/Downloads/In ... ETA2.5.exe