Exporting Plain Text with Explicit File Type

If you think you found a bug in Transcript, please report it here (or send me an e-mail).
Please be as detailed as possible in your description of the bug, when and how it happened, which version of Transcript, version of Windows, etc.
Chris Doran
Posts: 1
Joined: 14 Jan 2012, 11:34

Exporting Plain Text with Explicit File Type

Post by Chris Doran »

If you export a plain text file giving it an explicit type other than .txt, e.g. .csv, then RTF encoding gets included, which is not wanted. This is relevant to the "Excel instead af RTF-file?" thread in the Suggestions forum. Importing textfiles with types other than .txt works fine. I have seen the problem in beta 81 and 82.

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Re: Exporting Plain Text with Explicit File Type

Post by Wormnest »

Thanks for reporting. I can confirm that exporting to textfiles does only work when the extension is set to TXT or no extension is added. However adding a different extension will not magically make it save as a filetype corresponding to that extension (though in the case of csv you may be able to do so if you are very careful with the way you edit the text and adding separator characters).

I will look into a way to solve this bug but in the meantime you can save with a TXT extension and later change that to CSV.

Concerning importing: Transcript can only import filetypes (except RTF and TXT) for which converters have been installed by Microsoft Office components like Excel and Word. Once imported it is considered a new document in RTF format and handled as such (that's why it's called import and not open).
Wormnest (aka Jacob Boerema)
Programmer of Transcript

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Location: Netherlands

Re: Exporting Plain Text with Explicit File Type

Post by Wormnest »

Should be fixed now in beta 83, let me know if that's not the case.
Wormnest (aka Jacob Boerema)
Programmer of Transcript