Transcript kan nu ook gevolgd worden op Facebook, dit maakt het eenvoudiger om op de hoogte te blijven van wijzigingen.
Ik kan alleen fouten verhelpen wanneer die fout bij mij bekend is daarom is het belangrijk dat u fouten en crashes bij mij meldt (per e-mail of door te posten op dit forum).
Wijzigingen in build 115
Verschenen 2020-02-19
- Change: Updated German translation.
- Change: Use https connections for urls used in update checking and downloads.
- Change: Replace http links used in Transcript with https.
- Change: Reduce number of error dialogs and improve error message when we fail to load a pdf.
- Fix: External code can cause floating point exceptions in Open/Save Dialogs.
- Fix: Massive flickering and coolbar updating/recreating caused by regular updating of Windows background color. This may also reduce the flickering caused by company group policies updating settings every 15 minutes but without being able to test that we are unsure if this will be enough.
- Fix: WM_SETTINGCHANGE can cause image toolbar to move to the right edge of the window.
- Fix: First time after registering the Projects Toolbar was showing too far to the right.
- Fix: Extracted pages of a pdf after the first page get inserted in the dropdown list in the wrong spot. This was a regression caused by the change to natural sorting. ... ETA2.6.exe